Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Leisure Farm Johore

We have just been informed that there has been an infectious outbreak affecting the horses at Bale Equestrian Club at Leisure Farm, Johore. The infection is likely to be zoonotic, a type of infectious disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans, or from humans to animals.

Riders who are planning to ride at Leisure Farm are advised to shower thoroughly, disinfect/ clean riding gear (especially chaps, boots, breeches etc) before riding at other stables.

We are still in the process of trying to get more information about the horses at Leisure Farm. From what we know, they had to put down True Master, one of the school horses. Most of the other school horses are affected, but in stable condition. We will update the blog as soon as we find out more. Meanwhile, if you have information about the horses at LF, please do not hesitate to email us at the admin account riderswithoutborders (at) gmail dot com or send updates via the facebook group.

R.I.P. True Master. You were silly and stubborn at times, but always thoroughly loveable. We'll remember all your silly moments, like the time when you dragged your feet and pretended to be lame in the arena, and then mysteriously got better once we led you back into the stables. Or that time when you freaked out on the polo field and ran whinnying back to the stables (without your rider). I will always remember how you would impatiently paw the ground for more carrots, or stop right in the middle of the arena and try to nuzzle me when I was trying to teach a beginner (you big bully!) You taught me so much about riding and about horsemanship- I'm forever grateful.


  1. Does anyone know whether there is any riding there now?

  2. Last we heard, there's only privately owned polo horses are stabled there now.
